May 13, 2022- Pinellas County Clerk's Office Employees Hold Fundraiser for Ukraine Relief Efforts. Enter your e-mail and subscribe to our Clerk Alert! For example, a classified employee who works 42 hours in one week will accumulate three hours of comp time. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - The Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller released the Citizens' Guide to County Finances (Citizens' Guide), also known as the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2016. The company,, is apparently sending unsolicited mailers or advertisements to customers who have posted cash bonds in criminal cases and scamming them out of their money. Work requires strong interpersonal skills working with the jurors, judiciary and other related agencies, either in person or on the phone, to ensure their needs are met. However, finding the time to make it into the office during regular business hours may be difficult. You may also want to report the incident with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Fraud line at (727) 582-6200. If you have received notice for jury duty, please contact: Pima County Jury Commissioner's Office 110 W. Congress, Room 132 Tucson, AZ 85701 Phone: (520) 724-4222 Web site: Jury Duty | Official website of the City of Tucson 1985)). READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. You are a convicted felon and your civil rights have not been restored. Subscribe to receive important updates and news from Florida Courts. Cause the approved jury selection system to be used each quarter for the random. The random selection process plus the large number of cases set on the docket prevents you from knowing what type of trial you may be selected. You can always tell that the bond was for a failure to appear if it ends in 13. ALL jurors who serve more than three days will be compensated $30.00 per day beginning on the fourth day. basic eligibility requirements for jury duty in FL, your employer is not allowed to penalize you for missing work for jury duty. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays Watch Now Downtown Clearwater Courthouse February 21, 2017 - 32 Couples Tied the Knot During the Clerk's Valentine's Day Group Wedding Up to fifty couples are expected to be joined together for one group wedding ceremony on Valentine's Day, Sunday, February 14, 2016 in the romantic and picturesque Wedding Garden of the Florida Botanical Gardens in Largo. Terms of Use You will need your Florida Drivers License or Identification Card number and your juror ID number. Attn: Public Records Liaison There is no provision for reimbursement of meals, mileage or travel arrangements. TDD users: (727) 464-4303 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Responsive, in more ways than one, that was the driving force behind the Pinellas Clerks newly redesigned website which launched on August 6th. Privacy Statement, October 15, 2022- Pinellas County Clerk's Office Offers Themed Wedding Ceremony Room, October 6, 2022- Pinellas County Clerk's Office Staff Issue Marriage License ahead of Hurricane Ian. Pinellas County, environmental cases, small claims cases, municipal court cases., probate cases, special litigation cases, guardianship cases, Phone Number: Civil Court Records: 727-464-3267; Official Records: 727-464-4876; Probate Court Records: 727-464-3321; Recording Services: 727-464-4876 Copyright 2022, Pinellas County. December 28, 2016 - Couples Registration Now Open for Clerk's 11th Annual Valentine's Day Group Wedding at Florida Botanical Gardens Residents are eligible for jury service once every year. Click Here to submit your Name/Address Change Online. In the state of Florida, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Cabinet officer, clerk of court, or judge cannot serve on jury. Mental acuity: Ability to make rational decisions through sound logic and deductive processes. Video. If after reading the information, you still have questions, contact the Jury Clerk at the number listed on the summons. Ponce De Leon - FL Florida - USA , 32455. Holiday overtime provisions do not apply to floating holidays. 315 Court Street The Clerks office recognizes that visitors to our office may have sensitivity or allergic reactions to fragrances; for this reason we ask that you refrain from wearing fragrant products. Email requests are preferred and you will receive an email reply. Civil Court Records: 727-464-3267; Official Records: 727-464-4876; Probate Court Records: 727-464-3321; Recording Services: 727-464-4876. As a matter of convenience, the Court has allowed for a one-time postponement. Why? READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. Not all counties have specific jury information available online. Jury Management Please complete the form and CLICK on the SUBMIT button. Clearwater, FL 33756, Phone: (727) 464-3341 Grasping: Applying pressure to an object with the fingers and palm. Please do not report for jury service if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Reaching: Extending hand(s) and arm(s) in any direction. Please be warned that fraudulent phone calls are being reported where the caller claims to be calling from the Clerks office and wants to set up a location to meet to serve a subpoena. Reserve jurors with last names L through Z are not needed for the morning of Tuesday January 17. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - The Clerk's office will waive collection fees for a limited time only when citizens pay their outstanding fines and fees in full. The juror ID number is located on the Summons for Jury Service. READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. Complimentary coffee and tea are available. If documents are not available online or if they require redaction, the media may email the Clerk's office for assistance. Talking: Expressing or exchanging ideas by means of the spoken word including those activities in which they must convey detailed or important spoken instructions to other workers accurately, loudly, or quickly. December 21, 2018 - Couples Registration Now Open for Clerks 13th Annual Valentines Day Group Wedding at Florida Botanical Gardens All fax, mail or email requests should be submitted 10 days prior to your report date. "Unfortunately, it seems to rear its ugly head every few years," stated Ken Burke, Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller. Chat live with the County Information Desk. Keep up onwhat's happening at your Clerk's Office. Terms of Use READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. Prosecuted or convicted felons, unless their civil rights have been restored, cannot serve on jury. Couples must register online no later than Tuesday, February 1, 2022 by visiting address, rating, phone number, and even the courts website. If you are selected to sit on a jury, no one, not even the president, can make you change your vote on the verdict! Please use the reference guide below for assistance with your media request. READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. All residents who have questions about jury service should contact the Kentucky Court of Justice's Administrative Office of the Courts (502) 573-2350 or visit their website . READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. Courthouses are smoke free facilities. We do not contact you by phone and do not ask for Social Security numbers, credit card numbers or other personal information. READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. selection of the names of persons from the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle. Employees from the Pinellas County Clerk's Office held a fundraiser to aid those affected by the Ukraine Crisis. Excessive use of unscheduled leave may result in disciplinary action. Handicapped parking is available at the south side of the entrance to the facility. You are not a United States Citizen. Sports. We do not contact you by phone and do not ask for Social Security numbers, credit card numbers or other personal information. If you receive a misleading mailer, you can determine the status of the related bonds by searching the case records on the Clerk's website or by calling (727) 464-7000. October 25, 2016 - Clerk Burke Receives 2016 Presidential Award Black people make u. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Three Pinellas County constitutional officers were sworn in during a ceremony today, Tuesday, January 5, 2021. The event was also livestreamed. (727) 464-3000 101 South U.S. Highway 1. 14250 49th Street North These mailers guarantee recipients that their claim will be processed by the Clerk's office if the customer pays for a special request packet and presents the packet to our office. No one can make you apply a law you dont approve of. Independent work decisions are made based on experience and knowledge of departmental operations as well as laws, rules,andregulations governing juryrelated services, but the more difficult policy, procedural or legal questions are referred to a superior for decision. These emails may appear to originate from well known law firms and government agencies. If the date you have been summoned for creates a conflict in your schedule, you may request a one-time postponement. If you are eligible to receive compensation, you may elect to donate your juror compensation to one of three statutorily-approved programs. Jurors are selected from the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle files, which include both licensed Florida drivers and those who have a Florida identification card. 545 1st Avenue North Registration will be limited and on a first-come first-served basis. Clearwater, FL 33756. Email us at OR call and leave a message at 480-312-3088. Atlanta, GA 30303. A trial by jury is a fundamental right of every person in the United States and is a very important part of the Constitution. You may bring your own food and snacks as a Caf is not available at this location. In Florida, your employer is not allowed to penalize you for missing work for jury duty. It will be at the discretion of the court that summoned you whether to accept or deny your excuse. North County Branch 29582 U.S. Hwy 19 North Clearwater, FL 33761 Tel (727) 464-7000 Please remember that the Clerk's office will never ask for financial information over the phone or by email. January 4, 2017 - Pinellas Clerk Waives Collection Fees During Start Smart in 2017 Campaign FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Ken Burke, Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, announced that registration is now open for the Clerk's 11th Annual Valentine's Day Group Wedding. Jury Duty 101 is a free public resource site, and is not affiliated with the United States government or any Government agency. Ken Burke, Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, announced the promotion of Melissa Dondero to Inspector General/Chief Audit Executive, effective July 5, 2020. Report it to Pinellas County Government using the web page below or via our mobile app. However, unfilled/ empty containers (no glass) are allowed. The US has been incredibly fortunate that, barring Blair Mountain and Pearl Harbor, there hasn't been an actual battle here in 158 years. Email Jury Services. The juror ID number is located on the Summons for Jury Service. Scams have a way of resurfacing every so often and deed scams are currently in the spotlight in Pinellas County. 577 (D.D.C. December 6, 2019 - Passport Event Helps Citizens with Extended Office Hours on Saturday, January 11th If you receive an email from someone who identifies as a deputy clerk, and youre unsure if its legitimate, you can always call the Clerk's Office at (727) 464-7000to verify that it was a valid email. The Clerk's office will waive collection fees for a limited time only at the locations listed below when citizens pay their outstanding fines and fees in full. Job specializations: Sales. Floating holidays provide eight hours pay for full-time employees and a pro-rated number of hours for part-time employees. General information about serving as a juror in the Florida State Courts is available in Chapter 40 of the Florida Statutes. READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. OR fax us at 480-312-2764. The tourism site Visit St. Pete/Clearwater is the countys main resource for visitors, Human Resources Holidays provide eight hours pay for full-time employees and a pro-rated number of hours for part-time employees. You may bring your own food and snacks. When the courthouses are closed, the State Attorney's Dispatch office serves as a message center for the Duty Judge. These calls are from con artists, as the Clerk does not serve subpoenas and will never call to set up a location to meet anyone. Wi-Fi is available at all locations. The work is sedentary work which requires exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or negligible amount of force frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move objects, including the human body. Annual financial reports for each fiscal year, along with quarterly investment reports, are available to download on the Financial Reports page. Other than voting, jury service not duty is the only civic responsibility asked of you. Usage is subject to our Terms and Privacy Policy. Coerce an employee into requesting postponement of the jury duty until the employee has earned sufficient vacation time for it. Up to fifty couples are expected to be joined together for one group wedding ceremony on Valentines Day, Thursday, February 14, 2019 in the romantic and picturesque Wedding Garden of the Florida Botanical Gardens in Largo. Pulling: Using upper extremities to exert force in order to draw, haul or tug objects in a sustained motion. This is not a summons for jury duty. If your name is later drawn for jury service, you will be summoned by clerk of court by mail. Listing for: SelectQuote. 959,107, this means that about 13% of the population can expect to be summoned on any given year to serve as a juror in Pinellas County. Your Clerk's duties includeCounty Treasurer, Recorder, Auditor, Finance Officer, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the County Commission. At this point, there are only a handful of spots open since over 40 couples have already reserved their place to take part in the annual tradition. Can I Get Excused From Jury Duty Because I Work? 404-612-4600. June 29, 2016 - Pinellas Clerk's Financial Transparency Site Receives Award Colorado law makes jury service as convenient as possible for the majority of our citizens. Pinellas County Clerk of Court employees went above and beyond to make one couples wedding dreams come true. For the latest information on court documents and case information, please view our Public Records search. It is your responsibility to call the Jury Line to obtain information regarding whether you still need to appear for jury duty. Information for Jurors. You are still required to appear for jury service. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Lovebirds will soon run out of time to make this Valentine's Day extra memorable. February 21, 2017 - End of February and Early March Spells Out Savings for Those with Collection Fees on Tickets and Fines Personal days may be taken without pre-notification or prior approval. Malicious and/or false prosecutions have long been the norm in the Pinellas County Courts. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - The Pinellas County Clerks office was once again recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) with two national awards in government financial reporting. On the average, jurors can expect to be at the court between 4 . FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Capacity has now been reached for the Clerks 15th Annual Valentines Day Wedding Ceremony and Vow Renewal taking place on Sunday, February 14, 2021. . The Federal Courthouse is located at the south side intersection of U.S. Highway 1 and Orange Avenue (see map). FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Scams have a way of resurfacing every so often and deed scams are currently in the spotlight in Pinellas County. Florida Drivers License or Florida Commercial Drivers License and endorsement, if any. Also, be careful when deciding to open emails that allegedly come from law firms which do not pertain to a relationship you already have with the firm, as those can also be malicious in nature. Listing for: The Setai . Court security is the responsibility of the Sheriff of Pinellas County. Upon your arrival for jury service an emergency number will be provided to you to share with anyone who may need to reach you in the event of an emergency. 2023 Jury Duty 101. P.O. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - With continued diligence and commitment to maintaining the highest recognition among Floridas Inspector General community, the Pinellas Clerks Division of Inspector General received its third accreditation by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. Although it is impossible to document all the different types of scams you may encounter, and scammers are always developing new methods of attack, this page is designed inform you of common scams the Clerk has been made aware of, to help you protect yourself and your loved ones from fraud. Depending on local laws and specific court policies, exemptions MAY include persons over age 70, and those having recently served on a jury (usually within 1-3 years depending on county policy). Jurors who have served within one year from their last service date may be excused. St. Petersburg Judicial Building READ THE COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE HERE. There are multiple ways you can check the status of your Jury Service appointment: Updates are posted by 5:00 p.m. the evening before your scheduled report date. Tweets & replies. The Clerks Tyrone office closure does not impact other agencies located at the branch, such as the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector, which will remain open. For access to records not available online, the media may email the Clerk's office for assistance. Please note - The Jury Management system handles selection of jurors for Superior, District, and Municipal Court cases. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Effective Tuesday, January 1, 2019, the Tyrone Branch Traffic Court and Tyrone Branch Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptrollers office located at 1800 66th St. N., St. Petersburg, FL, will be permanently closed due to the Courts Consolidation Project. Jury duty is essential because it allows U.S. citizens to decide a fair outcome of a civil or criminal case. Includecounty Treasurer, Recorder, Auditor, Finance Officer, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Constitution number! That the bond was for a one-time postponement register online no later Tuesday... Reimbursement of meals, mileage or travel arrangements responsibility asked of you last date... 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