Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. Psjbgc.org. Smith notes that it can be doubly dangerous for black Americans to arm themselves due to the disparate treatment of white and black gun owners, as exemplified by the police murder of licensed gun owner Philando Castile. We only provide this when asked: we are one piece of an ecosystem of solidarity, not a disconnected group with a moral calling or chauvinistic urge to protect the untrained and unenlightened. [3] [4] [5] [6] The club calls itself an " anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro-worker community defense organization". It is also about whether the Dallas Voice is a newspaper or a public relations firm for the Cedar Springs establishment. This effort reveals considerably smarter thinking than that of Obama, the coastal elites, or for that matter, Kevin Williamson and Bill Kristol. Press J to jump to the feed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. As someone who worked with founding members of the first John Brown Gun Club in Lawrence, Kansas, he had been developing the concept of armed community defense since the group's formation in 2004. Gun ownership through a pro-gun liberal lens. Show More; Colin Kalmbacher - colinkalmbacher . John Brown. (All photos courtesy of Steven Monacelli) Armed supporters turn out to protect drag brunch in Roanoke An icon of chaos, murder, and bloodshed. The John Brown Gun Club | Southwest Firearms General Discussion Firearm Legislation & Activism Join the #1 community for gun owners of the Southwest We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. He is an icon. John Brown Gun Club is a name shared by dozens of groups who have similar goals, and who participate in similar activities, but we speak on behalf of only ourselves: we are not affiliated with any other John Brown Gun Clubs. Instagram. "These are the real problems, and when you focus on the guns you don't focus on the underlying issues. by Suck My Glock October 13th, 2021, 2:11 am, Post We protect us " 1. Thirty-one states allow all qualified citizens to carry concealed weapons, Rauch noted. [a] During the George Floyd protests in June 2020, the group attended the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. You can use the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive to save webpages which have a risk of disappearing so a permanent record will be kept. In the end, he merely convinced the South as a whole that its own propaganda was true that abolitionists, far from a Gospel-inspired crusade in favor of Christian values, were a gang of bloodthirsty maniacs eager to plunge the South into apocalypse. We see this as part of our work, because this revolution is happening everywhere, every day, in every act of solidarity with our ever-intertwined communities. No mention of the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. We need armed community defense programs in every community. Because those photos would have revealed the Trump marchers to be unarmed. The club's website states "PSJBGC is an independent JBGC" and states it left, Last edited on 23 November 2022, at 16:51, attacked the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center in Tacoma, "Announcing Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club", "Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club Leaves Redneck Revolt Network", "Seattle protesters set up a barricaded 'cop-free zone', "Seattle protesters struggle to determine what's next for 'autonomous zone' as Trump lobs threats", "Meet the Gun Club Patrolling Seattle's Leftist Utopia", "ICE detention-center attacker killed by police was an avowed anarchist, authorities say", "Patriot Prayer rally in Seattle: Plenty of guns and shouting", "6 gun groups that aren't for white right-wingers The Second Amendment is finding appeal left of center", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Puget_Sound_John_Brown_Gun_Club&oldid=1123418019, This page was last edited on 23 November 2022, at 16:51. DIY, Building, Gunsmithing and Custom Firearm Work, Laws, Regulations and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA), AZS.org Site Support, Suggestions and Help. Accessed November 7, 2022. I say this as an atheist for respect to a true American. The reporting of the Dallas Voice is sympathetic to the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club - PugetSoundJBGC . A lot of times you can find it at the Internet Archive. A lot of people thought this was important. "But now those fringe groups are kind of like, 'It's cool to be racist'our community sees that, and it scares us. This isnt about approving or disapproving what the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club believes or does. However, it should be noted that the Dallas Voice in their article called them the Elm Fork John Brown Club, omitting the word Gun from their name. From $20.06. In Jacksonville, Florida, a white man allegedly pointed a pistol at his Muslim neighbor's head and pointed a rifle at the neighbor's family, while shouting racial epithets, the Florida Times-Union reported Wednesday. Because the far right or the fascists, or whoever, violated the rules, its now okay for the left to do the same. All the organizers, members, and supporters of the Mountain Home *** Revolt and John Brown Gun Club were doxxed a year or 2 ago. Include as much information as possible to get most accurate results. Will we be ready? In 2019, an anarchist whom police claimed had previously associated with the Puget Sound chapter of the group attempted to carry out a terroristic act on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility before he was fatally shot by police officers. We dont want to bother anyone, but were not gonna let anyone come and break into our house at two in the morning and sit there and wait for the police to come, and get killed in the interim, Smith told aguns-focused news site. Any Reports with porn/nudity in images will deleted. By jtrenshaw. It is affiliated with the Pittsburgh Union of Regional Renters and PGH Mutual Aid and fundraises with them. The project went through a sort of hiatus, but around June 2016 reemerged as both the John Brown Gun . Morlin, Bill. For the phoenix chapter of John Brown Gun Club/ Redneck Revilt: One of their leaders was accused of sexual harassment. Redneck Revolt and John Brown Gun Club According to Dave Strano, one of the founders of Redneck Revolt, the John Brown Gun Club was founded in the aughts to offer gun training to. Any Reports of under 18 persons will be deleted. Denton police are allowing the uniformed militia Texas Defense Force to take control of the government building where Christian Fascist Kelly Neidert is speaking. The #1 Online Community for Arizona Gun Owners! They havent done an article on the group itself. . They have been banned from Twitter. (Interestingly, none of them were masked, as has become customary on the left. Meanwhile, Twitter . john brown - johnbrow.n . For those among you who have been following us for a while, you already know some of the threats and bad actors that the eastern part of the state face. Report Back on Community Defense of Story Hour in Denton, TX. This article originally appeared on AlterNet. Their event training people to harass school districts runs until 130. Formed in 2017, the Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club is a leftist working class community defense organization based in and serving the communities of Rhode Island. Username. In this tweet you can see they have taken up the road. The subscription is FREE. Only the victims, this time, were to be the bourgeois, the middle class, the ordinary Americans who insist on going their own way in defiance of the laws of History. "Two years ago, fringe groups were just that: fringe groups," Smithtold CNN. So, if Richard Nixon subverted the Constitution during Watergate, well, that justifies every left-wing president since, from Carter to Clinton to Obama, in doing the same. All the same, a number of new branches have sprouted in Denver, Orlando, Cincinnati, Seattle, and Maine. Philip Smith, the groups president,has notedthat while Trump is an unexpected recruitment boost, the racists emboldened by the president have also driven up membership. Its Going Down is a digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. We recommend upgrading your current browser or. Your email address will not be published. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. Because they have no idea, they think they have nothing to learn beyond what end the slug comes out of. Location to follow when the time comes. That's a silhouette of Captain John Brown's real personal gun, too. When anti-Gay individuals want to hide things that they said they delete pages. We didnt argue our way into white supremacy and slavery, Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher toldShadowproof, were not going to argue our way out of white supremacy.. https://dallasvoice.com/drag-in-the-suburbs/. is sympathetic to the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. We have cut and split cords of firewood for people in need. The Guardian has called it an "anti-fascist armed leftist group" that "provide[s] security against rightwing aggression". Join us in Dallas to stand united against the escalation of violence by auth-right. The masked, armed supporters of the drag show were from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, an anti-fascism group. We're glad to share that the Spokane John Brown Gun Club has been started by some friends east of the Cascades! It just doesn't exist. [3], The original John Brown Gun Club grew out of the Kansas Mutual Aid Collective in Lawrence, Kansas. Each local is unique, for better or worse. UPDATE: Their twitter account has been suspended. The Brownies had a brief fling of notoriety this past Spring when the original Phoenix branch showed up at a Trump rally toting guns and acting as menacing as any random group of left-wing snowflakes can manage. Videos later emerged on social media showing drag performers at the event taking dollar bills from children, dancing with them and walking down the aisle in the center of the room, which was. Oklahoma John Brown Gun Club on Twitter: "If you're a trans Oklahoman within the age for this or not, please DM us if you're interested in arming yourself and in learning to protect yourself with a firearm. This sense of solidarity of interconnectedness and radical empathy sets us apart from militias, and informs the other elements of our work. Accessed November 7, 2022. That, after all, is exactly what their historic namesake did. Donate to the John Brown Solidarity Fund, to support anti-fascist community defense groups nationwide. For the most part, I just considered them a bunch of useless clowns and never had any further contact with them. Ronald Reagan couldnt sign it fast enough. Anybody heard of this group? It works like this: the left accuses the opposition (it could be the right, or the middle, or even traditional liberals, for that matter) of some crime or other. [a] During the George Floyd protests in June 2020, the group attended the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. You can use the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive to save webpages which have a risk of disappearing so a permanent record will be kept. As I understand it anarchist groups take many steps to prevent infiltration by law enforcement and hostile groups. JohnBrownFunClub (703) $4.00 John Brown Did Nothing Wrong portriat pin back button or magnet 1.5" SlappysCloset (994) $2.95 John Brown 1846 Print Poster ArtUnlimitedMarket (2,945) $17.99 FREE shipping John Brown (Abolitionist) Original Art Print - Photo Poster Gift Wall Decor - Hope Portrait, Abolition, Slavery, Civil Rights QuoteArtisan (3,007) So lets make gay-bashing dangerous., Itswebsitedescribesthe Pink Pistols' goal plainly: We teach queers to shoot. ", Maj Toure is a politically conservative African American who started Black Guns Matter because of anti-black police violence. There is suddenly a significant uptick in the number of liberals realizing that we may, in fact, have a tyrannical government on our hands and the Second Amendment protects them too, Smith said in an interview. Nov 22, 22 Report Back on Community Defense of Story Hour in Denton, TX Report from Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club on recent defense of a community event in so-called Denton, Texas. https://protecttxkids.org/ This group is organizing the protests against drag shows in North Texas and any effort to make schools a more welcoming place for LGBT. Son los aos de Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, Machine Gun Kelly, John Dillinger y Baby Face Nelson, aquellos mticos gnsteres que llenaron las primeras planas de la prensa de la poca e hicieron correr ros de imaginacin. In today's episode we discuss the second amendment sanctuary movement that has gained momentum in Virginia following sweeping gun control measures introduced after Democrats won Virginia's House and Senate for the first time in decades. We need to stop being reactionaries when it comes to the topic of armed defense. Back to the story about the Dallas Voice. Shortly after that they just faded away. Stalin called them "useful idiots". Patriot Prayer rally in Seattle: Plenty of guns and shouting. Southern Poverty Law Center, August 20, 2018. Helping marginalized communities in organizing community defense against white supremacists / fascism. We want to stop fratricide, genocide all the 'cides. That, in a nutshell, and with a large helping of divisive racial politics, is what the Brownies are. Username. Presumably, the sight of armed and masked people assembling would have required arrests.). About Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club Helping marginalized communities in organizing community defense against white supremacists / fascism. Required fields are marked *. This article related to the politics of the United States is a stub. Its as if somebody tossed a set of keys to a Mustang to a fourteen-year-old and told her to take it away without any effort to impart driver safety, the rules of the road, and so forth. education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. John Brown Gun Club is an anti-capitalist, revolutionary-activist organization that advocates for gun rights from a left-wing perspective and seeks to radicalize the rural working class. You have to fight fire with fire, no? Learn how your comment data is processed. If it doesn't fit the topic in any of the other forums, and is firearm-related, put it here! Van Spronsen was a resident of Vashon Island, Washington, who claimed to be affiliated with Antifa and who had written and distributed a political manifesto prior to the attack. by freefly October 13th, 2021, 4:28 pm, Post The Pink Pistols membership got massive bumps on the heels of two recent national events: the massacre of 49 people at LGBT nightclub Pulse in Miami, and the election of Donald Trump. Find 19138 people named John Brown along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search. But here come all the Che, Jrs., menacing, belligerent, willing to up the ante, to push things as far as theyll go and then even farther. Refugee from Washington here! We need to be ready to rapidly respond to the armed right wing threat that menaces our communities. It just doesnt exist. The original club was active between 2002 and 2008, but it has since given rise to spinoff groups such as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. DMV John Brown Gun Club @dmv_jbgc DMV John Brown Gun Club. Both use a similar diameter bullet; the .327 uses a .312-inch slug and the Supper Carry a .313-inch. They canceled upcoming events citing they were afraid of violence to their supporters. Donate to the John Brown Solidarity Fund, to support anti-fascist community defense groups nationwide. We need real formulated responses for the upsurge in reactionary and racist violence. Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club @EFJBGC Armed antifascists were met by cheers and were joined in marching by random patrons of the Gayborhood's famous Strip, which had been targeted by over 50 violent self-described "Christian Fascists" led by John Doyle and Kelly Neidert just three weeks before. If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms. The Guardian, July 22, 2019. 1:02. The Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club and The Dallas Voice. Having a president who sympathizes with neo-Nazis and fascists has helped mobilize and invigorate hate groups and other violent racists, inspiring some who oppose them to take up arms. So was Charlottesville. But as Smith points out, the need for protection can outweigh those fears. Not an impressive debut, in other words. It took only a few months of that for the state legislature to draft theMulford Act, aimed at ending open carry in the state. By Jacob Steinblatt. Founded in 2008 by Mark Roberts, LGC came into being to serve gun owners turned off by the NRAs aggressively right-wing culture. Weve recently been contacted by several journalists who want to learn more about us, so we thought it was time for a little introduction. This is the Dallas Voice reporting on what happened. Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club - efjbgc . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The mid-Missouri chapter of the John Brown Gun Club was founded in August 2017 in response to President Donald Trump's inauguration, and as part of the Redneck Revolt coalition. Black & White. didnt approve of them and so didnt give them coverage. How will I go on living? Left Wing Gun Club Video Draws Scorn, Mockery. . https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/07/19/ice-detention-center-attacker-killed-by-police-was-an-avowed-anarchist-authorities-say/, https://www.counterextremism.com/supremacy/john-brown-gun-club, https://www.redneckrevolt.org/single-post/2016/07/28/WHITE-WORKERS-RESISTING-CAPITALISM-AND-WHITE-SUPREMACY-AN-INTERVIEW-WITH-REDNECK-REVOLT, https://twitter.com/SteelCityJBGC/status/1337094441492951040?s=20&t=mmveGvb53xZhr1e8xmje7Q, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/22/if-others-have-rifles-well-have-rifles-why-leftist-groups-are-taking-up-arms, https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/08/20/patriot-prayer-rally-seattle-plenty-guns-and-shouting, https://web.archive.org/web/20190719191925/https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/07/19/ice-detention-center-attacker-killed-by-police-was-an-avowed-anarchist-authorities-say/?utm_term=.fcc3353ea7a7, https://www.thedailybeast.com/seattles-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone-chaz-has-armed-guards. He was killed by Tacoma Police Department officers in the attack. Then you see his target a good 4 yards in front of him. First Name. He stepped down/ was forced out. Mar 27, 2017 at 12:09 PM ET. Update, Friday 6/24 around 40 heavily armed antifascist activists assembled in the Gayborhood of Dallas to send a message to Christian Fascism: whether that be Influencers, Proud Boys, or SCOTUS. Why not? It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. "Guns do have an important place in community defense. Steel City John Brown Gun Club. Twitter.com. by Crippledtrigger October 14th, 2021, 7:44 am, Post This is the same webpage I had saved at the Internet Archive. Armed antifascists were met by cheers and were joined in marching by random patrons of the Gayborhoods famous Strip, which had been targeted by over 50 violent self-described Christian Fascists led by John Doyle and Kelly Neidert just three weeks before. And right-wing pundits drool over Toure because of hislibertarian attitudetowardguns. what the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club believes or does. But they will be. Activists and allies Read Full Article, Please Donate To Bitcoin Address: 1HW1EHS9CevbEAHS8GkSXV7R6wZNSbuvhy. John Brown . He didnt have to do this while in Kansas, he had also freed a number of slaves and sent them north toward freedom. Report from Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club on recent defense of a community event in so-called Denton, Texas. Gun ownership is a central characteristic of far-left groups such as the John Brown Gun Club and Redneck Revolt, which believe they must arm themselves for protection from the far right. We interview a member of the Steel City John Brown Gun Club about a pro-gun rally to be held on January . For what other purpose do they exist? When anti-Gay individuals want to hide things that they said they delete pages. This is one of those moments. Images of under 18 persons (even if not the report in question) may be edited or removed. We dont refer here to the constitutional right to bear arms: we are anti-state and do not align ethically with the U.S. Constitution. You are using an out of date browser which is likely incompatible with our website. Black & White. 4:37 AM Jun 25, 2022 1,498Likes 203Retweets Accessed November 7, 2022. Accessed November 7, 2022. They will ND their comrades right into their graves. The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club (PSJBGC) is a Puget Sound Area gun club, formerly affiliated with Redneck Revolt. You know what, let me get a gun just in case something happens, just to make sure. Where will I train on not what to do? Home. [3][4][5][6], The club calls itself an "anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro-worker community defense organization". It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts 0:04. did start reporting where they mention the Elm Fork John Club in this Sept. 2, 2022 article. John Brown Summer of 1856 with signature. "We should be looking at suicide prevention, health care, systemic poverty and racism, the war on drugs," Smithtold Mic. This month we are raising money for the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club with our Antifa Shirt of the Month! A few dozen dead kids would have suited them just fine. The mid-Missouri chapter of the John Brown Gun Club was founded in August 2017 in response to President Donald Trump's inauguration, and long-predates the 2020 riots. A very significant group has entered the affairs of the LGBTQ+ but the community doesnt learn of them until a little over 3 months later. Because they werent ready yet. by Joe_Blacke Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:20 am. The history of the term redneck is long and complex. That same month, the chapter provided security for the 2019 Trans Pride March in Seattle, an event organized by the Gender Justice League. It describes itself as pro-worker and anti-racist, with a mission to incite a movement amongst white working people that works toward the total liberation of all working people, regardless of skin color, religious background, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, or any other division that bosses and politicians have used to fragment movements for social, political, and economic freedom. The John Brown Gun Club still offers firearms training (a lot of members grew up hunting), with an emphasis on aiding defensepracticesamongcommunities of color and LGBTQ folks. Members also show up with guns to act as a protective force for anti-fascist protesters, and were visible at events from Charlottesville toTrumps recentrally in Arizona. 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