The starter solenoid is responsible for sending an electrical current to the starter motor. A series of rapid clicks from the starter Starter relay clicks, but no crank shows the starter motor is not receiving enough electrical current from the relay to turn the engine. A quick test would be (1)open the drain on the carb bowls enough to make sure that fuel is getting to the carbs. Could you bypass the starter solenoid and start the engine? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The first and most probable reason your motorcycle is clicking is due to a dead battery. I dont really see how it could cause a problem as when you connect your battery to another vehicles you are parralelling.your battery will start to be charged by the other vehicles battery (if the potential is greater), If your measuring the battery and while your trying to start the bike the battery voltage drops below 10.9V then you have a stuffed battery, i had it charged @ autozone and when i put it on the bike it was @ 13.13 volts, then when i started it, it dropped to 12.7 is that normali rode it home which was about 3 miles and with the bike off it was 13.03, Suzuki GSX-R Motorcycle Forums By doing that, you will bypass the starter relay completely and will engage the starter manually, so make sure that the ignition is on and the motorcycle is in neutral before you do that. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Motorcycles have very important lubricants and oils that allow them to function under the Is It Normal For New Motorcycle Brake Pads To Rub? Again, testing it is exactly the same as testing the side stand switch above the switch is the exact same design. '86 Silver CMX450C. There are a few things that can lessen its life such as cranking it for longer than you need to. That said, you dont want to go through the same thing again any sooner than you have to; lets take a look at the root causes behind that bad battery. One of the critical components of sparking your motorcycle to life is the starter relay. Unstabilized gas in a motorcycle can start going bad in about 30 days. If the starter solenoid klacks then the safety switches are fine and dandy leave them alone. What if my motorcycle doesnt make any noise when I try to start it? STEP 2 - Perform a voltage drop test: Once batteries pass muster, then perform a voltage drop test on the starter main cables. Your standard car parts store can run a more thorough test of the batterys ability to hold current. If you suspect your motorcycles inability to start is due to a dead battery, you should charge it. BTW - Completely discharging a traditional lead/acid battery is "bad". The battery may be giving enough power to the magnet to polarize the gear to turn the fly wheel, but there is literally an unbreakable amount of pressure on the flywheel that turning it essentially becomes impossible. Examine your running and instrument lights to ensure its the relay and not another starter system component. Those clicking noises can rapidly spoil someones day. We would love to hear your thoughts! The problem could also be the solenoid failing to deactivate, which calls for a starter system diagnostic. Turn the key in the ignition and nothing. Battery is reading 12.8v when not powered, and 14v with the bike running at around 5k RPM, so I don't think the issue is with the charging system (R/R or stator). To check the relay, pull the Brown/Black wire on 31B. When an engine seizes, the components inside the engine lock up to the point where the crankshaft is unable to turn the bearings. Changing your motorcycle oil is the most critical upkeep component. The motorcycle is charged by a system that converts energy power into electrical charge while you ride; if the bike sits with the lights on while the engine is off, youre killing your battery. Starter Clicks Rapidly, But Bike Never Ignites, 4. As we mentioned above, the starter relay is the component in your starter system thatrelayspower from the battery to the starter motor. Most battery manufacturers recommend overnight charging them to complete, either on a tender or a trickle charger. However, if you went through all the troubleshooting steps of the section above and your bike still wont crank, the starter itself might fail. While the battery may not be ready for the trash heap, it won't ever fully recover. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. There are two parts to every motorcycle starter, the starter motor and the starter solenoid. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The starter should spin. The service manual guides the dealership techs use; it will have the exact set-up of your bikes wiring harness, including the starter system. Could be a dead battery. Defective push-button start system. What if it happened in the middle of nowhere? You could try a voltage check at your relay signal voltage. Or maybe youre choppin it up on a custom build, ready to strut your stuff downtown, coolin on the scene. It shares symptoms with various other starter problems; a bad solenoid or starter motor and electrical system failures, such as a bad battery, stator, or regulator/rectifier. I have ran into this problem many times myself through the motorcycles Ive owned these past few years. Read the labels to tell which is which. You can also test the kill switch by shorting the two pins together with a piece of wire or a test light. But since you did get it started off of your jump start, then your battery probably just needs replaced. Did you find wrong information or was something missing? Your email address will not be published. Turn the ignition on, transmission in neutral, etc. The lights dim like normal. Still, the flywheel is under immense pressure, that rotating it is virtually impossible. One of the two terminals comes straight from the battery and has +12V going to it at all times with the ignition on. If the engine cranks over, then it was a bad clutch switch all along, and if it doesn't - move on to the next one. Fortunately, motorcycles arent very complicated machines especially when you compare them to cars. exact same thing happened to me about 3 weeks ago Click to expand. That said, many of these symptoms are also the symptoms of a failing starter motor or a bad solenoid. Step 1: Pop Open The Hood And Locate The Starter Solenoid. Following is a procedure to tack back a no crank situation. Motorcycles are relatively simple machines, compared to a car, for example. 2. First, disconnect the two wires going to it, and short them together using a test light or a piece of wire. If your motorcycle is clicking when you try to start it, there are a few tests you can do to find the exact culprit. Click here to see my article for more information about how to store your motorcycle long term. If you have power coming from your start button it should be measurable. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Another symptom of a failing starter is intermittent starting. PREVIOUSLY REPLACED: starter motor, starter relay switch, fuel cut-off relay . Dont use any electric components on your motorcycle while it is off longer than you need to. The fuel solenoid clicks, the starter solenoid Klacks and the clutch solenoid ( where fitted ) Klunks. A GOOD battery should read 12.7 volts, if it's not then it will need to be charged. No-Click No-Crank: When this occurs, power is not being sent to the solenoid, making it very unlikely that the issue is related to the starter motor. In addition, if you dont properly winterize your motorcycle, the battery can potentially freeze and lose most of its capabilities. As we said, bikes are pretty straightforward machines; even the most innovative ECU regulated bikes are straightforward when it comes to starting. If its any lower than that, you likely wont be able to get it started at all, thus you hear the clicking sound. you know the drill. Those clicking noises can ruin someones day pretty quickly. If the engine turns over the start button is faulty and needs to be replaced, and if it doesnt the start button is good and you need to look elsewhere. This site is owned and operated by Cannon Entities LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Utah, USA. To test the start button, unplug the two start button connectors or the handle switch connector. If that causes it to start, the switch may need cleaning and/or there is a bad connection in it. If a relay is corroded past a certain point, or if its merely old enough, itll start disintegrating, meaning scraping it up wont solve the problem. Do not skip this step. Clean all connections both at the starter and the battery to ensure there is no bad connection. That said, in some situations, you can repair your solenoid on the fly simply by cleaning off some corrosion: Spending the money at the first sign of starter failure provides the added safeness of a brand new starter, a fix thats much less temporary than replacing the small starter components one at a time as they start to break down. the relay does not close. This can lead to it intermittently working. At one point, there was a reference to an . (Explained), How To Tell If A Motorcycle Fuse Is Blown (Explained), Motorcycle Clicks Instead Of Starting: 3 Reasons (Solved). thats the only fuse I can see under the seat.. it s fine not burnt out you really need to see what voltage your battery is holding if its below 12v it going to just click, you my want to make sure your battery connections are tight and not corroded, make sure to check the ground wire connection too, if its clicking your fuses are good. Checked the solenoid, that was ok, checked starter live ox and starter turns when connected directly to the +. This is not really recommended but it will help isolate your problem. If your gauges are lit up brightly, and your lights are ready for action, the relay could be the culprit. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. To rule that out, check the voltage of your battery it shouldnt be lower than 12V. To help prevent motorcyclists from riding off with the side stand down (which is extremely dangerous), motorcycle manufacturers started using side stand switches. Continue with Recommended Cookies. , and there is no continuity when the battery is connected, the starter relay in your motorcycle is busted. R2. Testing the side stand switch is exactly the same as testing the start button. If your bike has inconsistent starting patternsif theres a secret trick to start your motorcycle like pushing the starter button over and over again until the bike startsyou might have a bad starter relay. If youre overwhelmed with the electrical components on your motorcycle, I have created an entire videos series about restoring a motorcycle that may be helpful for you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Charging a motorcycle battery can take anywhere between 8 20 hours. When the pin is pushed in, the switch completes the circuit and allows current to pass through. Once you release the starter button, the solenoid should deactivate, killing the starter motors activity. The engine won't turn over and your car won't start. With the right tools for the job, you can bust out your starter relay replacement right at home between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on the starter and battery placement on your make and model-year motorcycle. So, when youre troubleshooting something like clicking at startup, compared to the myriad possibly failing components a car might have, only a few components are involved. However, a lot of them come with only a single wire, because they are already grounded through the engine. Touch the red cable to the starter's positive terminal. This is usually due to poorly grounded wires that makes the battery slowly lose power over time without you knowing it. This is also a sign of low or dead battery. While its unlikely that one of them is bad, they still fail from time to time and prevent the starter motor from working. As for the clutch . Swapping them will not tell you anything because if one burns out, so will the other. Chat us for guest posts and personalized ads, Motorcycle Starter Relay Clicks But No Crank, When you try to start your motorcycle It clicks. If it doesnt, move on to the next switch. If youve charged your battery and your motorcycle is still making that clicking sound when you go to charge it, I would suggest you take your battery in to an automotive parts store and have them test it. This website or its third-party tools process personal data.In case of sale of your personal information, you may opt out by using the link. When the key is turned to the ON position without trying to start, everything seems normal: dash lights come on, fuel pump primes, interior lights work, headlights work & are bright. I try to jump it off a car the bike starts when jumper cables are on but when I disconnect, the bike shuts off. Lets start with the basics first, as theyre so easy to overlook. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Trying to start your bike but won't start, check the relay first , if there's power going from one terminal to other then check starter. If the magnet that polarizes the gear to turn the flywheel isnt magnetizing appropriately, the equipment wont turn the flywheel at all. Turned on the ignition - same thing, no lights at all, after 30 seconds or so the lights come on (but not the headlamp), and when I try to start it the starter relay clicks, and all the power goes away again for another 30 seconds. If the solenoid isn't the source of the click, tracing the sound should take you to the relay on those models. Lack of conductivity is the general cause of starter relay failure, often due to exposure to harsh weather, road debris, dirt, and grime or corrosion at the hands of various destructive riding or storage conditions. While holding the key, jump the solenoid contacts with a wrench. Luckily, two out of the three likely culprits to a clicking motorcycle are easily fixable by you in the comfort of your own garage. the 4P* starter switch works = starter relay switch clicks only (noticed a tiny connection spark) R3. The most obvious warning sign that a problem with the starter relay exists is when the vehicle won't start when you engage the ignition process. Typically, when a starter solenoid clicks but does not crank your engine, it is because there is a problem with the secondary side of the circuit. By doing this, were completely bypassing the side stand switch. Now, what if youre in the middle of nowhere, with no service around for miles? If necessary, add distilled water to the cells and charge the battery. If you are having a problem with your Triumph just going "click" when you try to start, I have figured out the problem AND how to easily fix it. He loves restoring motorcycles, has a vast knowledge of how they work, and has sold his restoration projects to customers from all over the United States. If the magnet that polarizes the gear to turn the flywheel isnt magnetizing correctly, the gear wont do its job and turn the fly wheel in the first place. The solenoid is a small magnet that shoots out a little gear that the appeal polarises when you turn the key. hmmm does it engage, as in when you pull in the lever does it work as intended? I believe your starter (tested out correct) and your current connections (engine started after installation) are ok. There are three main reasons why a motorcycle clicks when you try to start it. We suggest that you stay on top of your motorcycles service intervals and be sure youre using the manufacturer-recommended type and grade of oil. This component transfers electrical charge from the battery to the starter solenoid to fire up your starter motor. Motorcycle has Intermittent Starting Problems. The neutral switch has the exact same purpose as the clutch switch to prevent the rider from starting the engine while its in gear. When you press the start button and cannot hear the starter relay clicking, it means that either the starter relay is bad or that the starter relay is not receiving power. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Unfortunately, we riders, do not carry any tools with us (usually). (PS: We read ALL feedback). In some cases, corrosion or a bad connection would not show up with a multimeter, but it will with a test light. Will be stored in your browser only with your consent important lubricants and oils that them. A traditional lead/acid battery is & quot ; using the manufacturer-recommended type and grade of oil turn motorcycle starter relay clicks but no crank flywheel all! Better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser only with your.. 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