BSF draws a large crowd at our church. G. Lee, the audience at Lighthouse Trails IS the church. You can subscribe via RSS feed or by email below: Just type your email address in the box below and hit the Subscribe button. Dear Jo, I am grateful you have been saved. The Building Safety Fund . And you cant talk about anything except your lesson. Listed in order of when they were [Read more] This chapter lays the groundwork for the new study. Another good christian organization going the way OF BABYLON. They want to go by their rules, and I just want them to utilize some common sense and grace for a mom who has is only doing this for her child in the first place. Large churches and Christian organizations are falling right and left because people gossip rather than follow The directives in the Word. Also, I love the preschoolers program (ages 2-6). I am a BSF Leader and have been involved for 7 to 8 years. *Rowan signs all of her correspondence with a call for the FAME of Jesus (vs. His glory). I see those that cant leave their homes to go to a meeting can meet online and have rich and deep discussion. I think it is very important to do the homework, but lets face it life happens and their are times we fall short. Strictness of when you can bring someone new. For example, if the passage was teaching atonement through the blood of Christ, we would choose a hymn such as, Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness This means it is much more than just a friend or sister from another mother. BSF uses the total of basic pay and grade pay to calculate how much allowance an employee can get. Having attended for 11 years in the 90s-early 2000s, I was excited to be getting back into a structured Bible study. Christians are to come out and be separate from all those of false faiths, not sitting next to them in the name of ecumenicalism. That would mean God took Bach his gift back from His elected one, Your email address will not be published. Thank you for the factual information youve published. That is why it is a discussion group, not a small group and definitely not a support group. Obtain an authorized copy of your incorrect birth certificate (it can be a hassle) Find other documents proving a correct birth date. Your Best Friends list will be at the top of your friends list, right above your Recents list. Im done. I can still be down anyway, but I dont have a chance without the words of God pouring into me consistently. THANK YOU BSF LADIES WHO HAVE BEEN AND INSPIRATION TO ME. Trouble lies ahead for those who follow the "wrong ghost." Read more. Pray for our country. Rules run deep at BSF. Disloyal to Him? There are numerous ranks that depict a major difference between the salary of a Soldier and a Director-General. It can even be monotonous. Accused your ministry of being unbiblical for making public and exposing the errors of BSF and accused me of being judgemental and unbiblical for posting your article on my facebook page. I also enjoy teaching in the school program because of the study I under go to prepare the lesson. God-fearing men and women when lies are sown. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindlernot even to eat with such a one.. At the end of each year, Lighthouse Trails presents its Year in Review, divided into different parts. The next week tge leaders from headquarters cand and closed our class because we were rude. The ups and downs excite her, but she thinks they're all leading up to some big romantic gesture. . For example, someone might write a message that says "I love my BSF so much. Some of the things that have been bothering me are . Ive recently returned to a BSF class in my area it is connected to a fully functioning class closer to the city. The leaders Ive had usually only offer answers to the questions when they have sensed confusion among the class members and then they will offer some help in understanding a passage. How deeply saddened I am therefore, to learn of the deception that has entered this once biblically sound ministry. Each Childrens leader goes through Criminal Background Screening and Reference checks before being considered as a Childrens Leader. He has taught me so much. The BSF has had a relatively good record of local police cooperation thus far; the home ministry's recent decision runs the risk of pitting the two against each other. Its so hard to have those conversations but your perspective will be such a gift to your particular BSF class. This doesnt mean we get all the answers every week but the goal is for God to influence and give insight rather than the comments of someone else. Church discipline is commanded by holy God. BSF, with Susie Rowan at the helm, has been patient in pushing this anti-biblical agenda, but the water is now boiling. I blame my childhood. DEEP DIVE. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The term is popularly used in open forum social media platforms such as Twitter and in one-on-one text conversations. I agree wholeheartedly with Barb, the enemy uses whatever tool he can in order to keep us from growing in the knowledge of Him and His Son, including causing division amongst the brethren. BSF Constable (General Duty) comes under non-gazetted officer cadre. Your email address will not be published. I actually had one person say, and everyone else in the class agreed, that he glad that the Bible was so easy to understand and this was a study Of Revelations. True Christians are even to hate the garments polluted by the flesh. I didnt find these so-called Christians very Christian-like at all. Now I teach a class Bible for Dummies which attracts people who were just like me before I started studying the word. There are as many different ways to study the Bible out there as there are personalities. For example you list 6 specific programming languages, and then address "Wrote computer code in a variety of languages". (UPDATE: Please see BSF Leader resigns; warns members about 2018 Study). SBA Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The power of understanding what the Scriptures say is not for knowledge only but because they testify of Jesus. This call to community is far more menacing than what meets the eye. My husband and I looked further into the Bible Project and we found how twisted the doctrine was. And now we have both moved away from that town, but here almost 20 years later, I still consider her to be a dear friend and sister in the Lord. Well these cards are very small and I cant quite fit all my disclaimers about BSF onto the margins of this little card. I moved away and took with me a lovely book which they prepared for me which told me how very much they had appreciated the class. Other terms used: Kingdom flow, be the people of God in community, wherever you go life thrives in your collective units (communities),differentiated identities, cluster power, fruit of transformed communities, You are a community, a Kingdom people collectively. The next two wednesdays are introduction classes for the fall BSF study, which is Matthew. Can you provide the chapter and subheading and perhaps the beginning of the paragraph to which you are referring (on your page 244)? I have had lots of different leaders over the years and some years are definitely a little tougher than others. They start typically with a prayer group (sanctioned by BSF) in the area praying for Gods wisdom and provision for a class. Thank you so much for sharing your experience!! In fact, we grow and are built up in love as . Strangely, on a year I had a particularly ungracious leader, I had one of my best years as far as relationships with group members, which is kind of counter-intuitive. I was invited again this year to attend when your article came up on my facebook newsfeed about BSF leaders plunging into the Emergent Waters. Corinne, I am so sorry that anyone would ever have to leave a Bible Study feeling humiliated. This is fantastic! Carol if you get a chance to read the article we posted today by the woman who came out of Calvinism, she discusses her time in BSF and what she discovered about the organizations leadership. The Story of Mask-e-pe-toon A Powerful Cree Chief Who Found the Truth Through Forgiveness Group times have morphed into chat sessions only loosely tied to the lesson, and most lectures are unchallenging. How do I update my contact information? You have to rely on "architectural guarantees" that apply to all future CPUs. Im thankful for my years at BSF, but equally thankful that God has given me the discernment to know when to get out. It is one of a kind. The point was that our salvation does not rely upon us -our faithfulness. Copyright 2002-2023. We are a family of God, not perfect, not all knowing, but all Love the Lord and His Words. My leader would email us weekly with thoughts from Jesus Calling( purely metaphysical). Davis is a BSF veteran of 22 years. I was glad to find your website, but sad to find my fears were confirmed. The BSF file extension indicates to your device which app can open the file. I immediately bristled. I, too, needed to hear I am not alone in some deep hurts from BSF. The leader reads the question, lets one maybe 2 people answer and goes on to the next question. For example, someone might come in late and it be obvious to everyone else that she was struggling or had a bad morning or whatever, and our leader would focus on her missing name tag. I naturally asked her about the reason she is doing this but she said and I qoute that . ShareThis week, long-time Bible Study Fellowship International (BSF) leader Linda Davis is warning members signed up for this fall's new study, People of the Promised Land. You cant speak for other classes. They have forgotten their first love, the Word of God. But other behaviors, like putting your used napkin on the table in the middle of a . (i meet on thursday mornings with two precious women whom i [], [] i havent told you about bsf is that once a semester you are encouraged to volunteer in the childrens department. Then the discussion time was totally different from the previously organized discussions I knew from the past. People did their homework and kept quiet until they really had something biblical to say. I could not use BSF notes of course but accessed others and used some of the principles I learned from BSF . However, after reading this letter by the former BSF leader exposing the subtle shifting away from Jesus Christ, I am making the decision to leave this new and improved BSF. I thought I had made a wrong decision, just to find out later that it was indeed a good decision. Ill be praying that God will open all our eyes to the truth and will myself, strive earnestly to remain faithful to the true Word. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team. I agree! We love our Bible and Gods Word but without real discussion our study is in vain. We've already established that BSF is a term used to characterize a sisterly (or brotherly bond). Cataract surgery is considered a low-risk surgery. Please read 2 Peter; they are to be exposed and this includes the Calvinists. I would encourage you to share how you feel with your leader, especially if you are finding your frustration growing. Alternatively, an outside observer might say "Amanda and Narissa are definitely BSF's.". She read your article but became furious with me for sending it to her. Some leaders just have chat sessions, some do focus on the Word. As I am sure you know per your introduction class, Miss Johnson started BSF and she had the benefit of being a missionary for years and years and studied Gods word from a time, place and perspective that I think is very different from where most of us are today. I love the changes BSF has been willing to make to reach people for Jesus. Sacrificing a the real issues at had for a small good-but-not-the-point point. After my BSF group discussion tonight I wanted to cry. So consider yourself both invited and warned. Bible Study Fellowship lessons, now in an app. I lasted about 2 weeks. Also satellite groups pops up anywhere and everywhere people have heart to start one. So consider yourself both invited and warned. Do not be deceived; neither fornicators (those not pure in all relationships. This is my third year at BSF and it really depends on the leader of the class. . The horror of what they were doing numbed my brain, leaving a black space where thoughts of fight or flight should be. The class was about the Holy Word of God and anyone who behaved like a spoiled crybaby didnt come back. Whats crazy is that the rules that really bug me also contribute to creating the environment for consistent Bible study that I love. It tells me through the language in her e-mails and books, she is in favor of Dominionisms seven mountains, the ecumenical movement / emergent church. When I was approached about being in leadership I thought the Lord was just having fun with me. This philosophy heavily emphasizes community but not scripture. Acts 4:12, HOME We have a totally different experience of it and dont have anything that comes close to it. Below is Part 1 of our 2022 Year in Review. And those who do not live separately from culture and society. Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Inc. 102017. at Cornerstone Bible Fellowship on Warden Road. I feel like is a sinking ship. I became a convert so to speak. Hundreds of thousands of members of all ages and stages across the globe studying God's Word chapter-by-chapter together. Proverbs 4:11 I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths. *Distortion of 1 Corinthians 3 Chapter 1 mishandles this text with a man-centric application about godly leadership, ignoring Pauls clear teaching that GOD is the point, not he who sows/waters. You can visit BSFs website and click on Contact Us you can call them and tell them your desire to get information about starting a class. Unfortunately, when you leave the orbit of one cult or similiar you tend to find yourself caught up in a similiar, and I went directly into the Know Your Bible Womens group which I have only just found out, was also founded by Amy Wetherell-Johnson along with another woman but this fact is not widely known. Not exactly a fairy tale, but more like a drama. No one is righteous, not even one. I have been attending since 2018 having gone through the People of the Promise Land, and the last study on Acts Study called Unstoppable. All 3 mean the same thing. Banque Saudi Fransi (BSF) (Arabic: ) is a Saudi Joint Stock Company established by Royal Decree No. I used to be a Jehovahs Witness and when I was told I should not talk about my old religion, I HAD no idea it was coming to this day. I am a Precept leader. Its routine. She also has said it is satan just causing division. Wow this is really a judgmental attitude and I have been a Christian for a long long time. Not like I doubt my salvation stuff but I am just not comfortable with all the imagery and now tonight the pregnant woman and the red dragon! Failures to hatch. Giving away Texts from the Bible. Read more. And we encouraged each other when we felt like we were crazy. It seems BSF questions gloss over the icky hard stuff ( like the four corners of the earth? Im sending you my love and prayers for your journey onward, sister. In the lecture I noticed an emphasis on knowing the heart of God, which didnt seem problematic at first. My bsf is hooking up with her married "uncle". It is important to remember that we are to study the Scriptures to seek and know Jesus as our source of eternal life. This last Tuesday we had fellowship lunch after the lesson; during our lunch Catholicism subject came out, I explained that Catholicism is paganism; immediately they reject my comment and told me that is being judgmental. I understand the need for rules but my impression of BSF leans more towards Pharisees than Jesus. I went to the other big bible study in town that is a tad bit less strict. Amazing how few professing Christians understand this dynamic. I found you tonight, a few years after you wrote this post, and just wanted to say thanks. And incidentally, if you are a BSF-er, you kind of need something fluffy on the side to balance you out. 1 2. There was so much biblical truth taught in this study that was not said here Christ, the Word is the source of all life- physical, moral, intellectual and eternal The Gospel proclaims that knowing the full scope or our sinfulness, God sent His Son to save and transform us, Whoever trusts in Jesus and commits wholly to Him has crossed over from death to life Jesus is Gods Lamb who takes away the sins of the world To participate by faith in the death and life of Jesus Christ is the only was one may receive eternal life. What a great vision! I hope more will realize CHRIST is the ONLY WAY, TRUTH, AND LIFE before its too late. Below is one of the articles in that edition. Nothing will stop His plan from happening. There is eternity at stake! But I know that can be a bit intimidating! maranatha, come Lord Jesus. She said shes never heard of anyone being offended by that phrase baby christian and that she uses it a lot. Answer (1 of 4): It's like comparing apples with oranges. Each one expressed a concern that the organization once taught Gods Word but over the last decade especially began to drift. Hope this helps you ~ I would strongly encourage you to speak to your Childrens Supervisor with the concerns you have regarding the music for your little ones. The biblical gospel is a stumbling block and an offense to the lost. Blessings, One more little thought the hymns are a choice of BSF because the main goal of BSF is to teach the Bible. Hmmm. Something needs be said about the faith and peseverance of Miss Johnson. So I thought I would invite you now. This statement remember , your salvation and life with the Lord does not depend on your faithfulness and loyalty to Him was taken out of context. But.I am loathe to over spiritualize everything. We cannot display, put up on slides, those that are still under copyright laws which includes almost all of the contemporary music from today. I was most blessed that week by the open dialogue between my leadership group members when one asked a question prompted by Day 1 but not verbatim from the lesson about the difference in the conscience mind and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and another group member gave a testimonial response, not a fixing response. I was not expecting to go to the welcome session and then be told to not come back unless I was called. This publication served as a soft introduction to the shift in BSFs focus/agenda. This is love in practice: And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all judgment,that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. Judging or discernment never approves of any evil or impure way. chino house. [] or so have shaken me up a bit i suppose and even this morning as i was going over some things for bsf and for my meeting with my sistas. Also, as some one who has greatly benefitted in years past from being able to bring children to BSF, let me just say THANK YOU SO MUCH on behalf of the mamas who are I am sure are overjoyed to see your smiling face every week! Marxism? I asked the discussion leader if this was going to be the new format and she said sometimes it would be like this and sometimes would be different. how do we deal with comments like these from leaders? this who admit their need and recognize the authority of Jesus receive His light which brings spiritual knowledge and insight Jesus said His sheep cannot be snatched from His Fathers hand. I have never attended BSF but have been doing Precept (Kay Arthur) for over 12 years. God moved me from an argumentative, idolatrous, prideful person to one who desire Christs righteousness and meanness. iStock. Most cities had tents from churches in the area. Disloyal to Him? I cant help but love BSF, no matter what. I was hurt and I felt rather deceived to receive a phone call that I didnt make the cut AFTER I had spent an entire morning at what I was told was the first classnever mentioned the word Introduction. We were told that for the next week or two we would be in the fellowship hall until assigned to a group. I really cannot recommend BSF anymore. Type Public ISIN SA0007879782 Industry Finance Founded 1977 Headquarters Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. When I saw that Rick Warren had a part in writing materials for BSF, I immediately knew I couldnt join. Yes, Christians should expose error, if we are talking about not saying what the Word says. I agree, with the observation, and feel sad because BSF had been a hold out resisting the relevancy move, holding true to accuracy in Gods word. Quick Answer: How Often Is Camping In The Bible, Question: What Bible Story Is The Red Tent, Quick Answer: What Does The Bible Say About Hunting. BSF does not have copyright rights like churches do. Your post breaks my heart Jane. It is also true. I had a very consistent attendance for three years with most members hardly ever missing a lesson. I actually decided to talk to her about the commment. His primary vocation is executive coaching. Mainly, I think God can make good out of all those annoying details for the greater purpose of studying His Word. and your sweet honesty. (14 years -8 as a leader). The 'Why' Behind the BSF Discussion Group. Some changes are good, some bad, some neutral. If we want to stay right with God we must keep his Word there is no going away from this without the risk of losing our relationship with God. We have not missed a week and we teach tge truth from Gods true word the Bible! So sad. Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm. It is against the truth of Scripture which has to be the bottom line if we believe that Jesus Christ himself is the Word of God. FTX is one of the largest exchanges where those digital assets were traded, and it has been lauded by regulators and market observers as one of the most transparent crypto operations. BSF studies cover both the Old Testament and the New Testament as we seek to understand God's revelation of Himself and His plan for human history. There are certain policies in BSF that enable consistency and are designed to provide the best learning environment however they do not rate above the desire for all class members to feel comfortable, safe, respected and loved. Im glad I didnt continue w/ this heretical group. This totally apostate religious global community will embrace even false religions. More and more I see that the bsf is a group os Socialita , a political group than Gods children. Additionally, we know true believers by their fruits of righteousnessMatthew 7:15-20. 2. God bless each of you for desiring Gods Word in your life and may He bring you to just the right study for spiritual feeding. That just makes me sad. I have left BSF in tears more than I would like to admit. Thank you for going back to the source to see the whole picture and not a piece. I forwarded this article to the friend who had been invited me to attend BSF again this year. Emphasizing the organization survival and growth over JESUS word being taught. There are sort of, a lot of, well, for lack of a better wordrules. The ministry is rapidly circling the drain, teaching elements of Spiritual Formation, pushing seeker-friendly training of leaders, watering-down their study materials, and redefining grace and love in the training of their leadership, in promoting silence/compromise over speaking truth that may offend. But I could not sit in silence through all the heresies. The BSF earlier on Tuesday said the jawan was court-martialled in 2010 for indiscipline and aiming a gun at a senior officer even as it assured of a thorough probe into his allegations. I put into action what I learned about directing the group and kept the discussions on track. I really struggled to be a good BSF leader because even though I understand most of the reasoning behind the rules, I want any encounter I have with Gods word to be bathed in grace. "Some men and angels are predestinated unto everlasting life, and others foreordained to everlasting death." 1 God's choice to save certain sinners by . From Ms. Johnsons 5 ladies to people all over the world. Lighthouse Trails noted in 2010 that BSF's current executive director Susie Rowan is a proponent of contemplative . View Source. You are talking about the lesson. She explained it in detail with scripture. If God had chosen to control everything, everyone would accept salvation and there would not have been a need for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. And in the childrens program, you are only allowed to sing like 12 different hymns, no musical accompaniment and you do exactly 3 each week, the same verse repeated three times in a row with an intro leading to each time. How do people start a BSF group. I love BSF and i am anxious for it start with Matthew this year. I just signed up today for BSF again. Hi Lee, While wondering last year how they would teach toddlers and preschoolers Revelation, God called ME into CHILDRENS LEADERSHIP. The Apostle Paul warned all men and women God has given His Word to the Church to protect from the grave errors that can be spread through misinformation: weeds are the result, not We would never do anything, if we had to have it all perfect before we would be a part of it. Susanne Wong I am glad you voiced on this. The post What Christian Leaders and Pastors Need to Know The Final Outcome of Practicing Contemplative Prayer appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Hi, I am just wondering how they select a new group leader. I know that you will not agree, but that is okay too. My husband said (just last night about another Bible passage) that one of the dangers that Christians in every age face is our tendency to want to domesticate the Gospel. And more I see that the BSF is to teach the Bible 102017. at Bible! Exactly a fairy tale, but that is a stumbling block and an offense the! To be exposed and this includes the Calvinists taught Gods Word but without real discussion our is... Help but love BSF, with Susie Rowan is a proponent of contemplative your journey onward, what is wrong with bsf pay... Soldier and a what is wrong with bsf can meet online and have rich and deep discussion when get! Writing materials for BSF, No matter what more and more I see that the organization survival growth! And life before its too late the past start one cant quite fit all my disclaimers BSF! Anything that comes close to it ghost. & quot ; much allowance an employee can get churches the. 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